In 2024, advancements in early detection methods and support continue to increase the chances of survival. ?In fact, when caught in its earliest, localized stages, the 5-year survival rate is up to 99%!
However, cases of breast cancer continue to rise nationwide and in the state of Indiana with more than 5,000 cases per year.
IWIN is proud to step in as an outlet of hope and emotional, physical and financial relief to those facing treatment. Our one-time grants give patients the strength to endure on their way to survivorship.
This month you can support IWIN by attending a local third party event or shopping with our preferred partners!
"My dedication to the fight against breast cancer began several years ago with the diagnosis of breast cancer to a very good friend. It was at that time that I realized the impact treatment had on a woman. Due to the fatiguing nature of chemotherapy and the physical limitations of surgery, I recognized that even the simple things in life now became stressors, such as lifting their child and cleaning the house."
- Nancy Shepard, R.N