JOIN US IN CELEBRATING... WE DID IT! $40,522 raised in 100 days for 100 more Hoosiers to receive a grant while facing breast cancer treatment. Give yourself a pat on the back, IWIN fam!
Thank you to the IWIN community for fundraising, hosting events, sharing our mission and supporting us during breast cancer awareness month! Our work continues 365 days a year thanks to supporters like you.
Enjoy this recap and thank you again!
Check out this recap of IWIN's feature on WRTV last week. Thanks to #WRTV for covering the news of our volunteer, Andrea, as one of the Jiffy Lube of Indiana Drive to Do More volunteers of the year! IWIN could not serve all the Hoosiers we do without her and all of our volunteers. Thanks again, Jiffy Lube and WRTV!
There is currently no events.
"My dedication to the fight against breast cancer began several years ago with the diagnosis of breast cancer to a very good friend. It was at that time that I realized the impact treatment had on a woman. Due to the fatiguing nature of chemotherapy and the physical limitations of surgery, I recognized that even the simple things in life now became stressors, such as lifting their child and cleaning the house."
- Nancy Shepard, R.N